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“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” – Maria Robinson

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Who are you? Who are you meant to be? Often times we feel anxiety and depressed feelings when who we want to be does not align with who we are. We are given the gift of life and the gifts of our talents and abilities. Our intended purpose on this planet is to use the uniqueness within us all to become our authentic self. By living a life in accordance to our true self we become happier beings and are only then truly able to improve the lives of others.

Start talking


 A difficult obstacle in this journey is to know and fully understand who we are. Many people get caught up in the net of the mundane routine of everyday life until we are unable to recognize our true being. We often become ensnared with others who are also in a type of hypnotic trance in which we may not be even aware of and that we are losing our true self. The manifestation of this other person is subtle, we psychologically and spiritually transform gradually. Until the time comes when we become aware through our discomfort and distress that we have lost the very core of who we are meant to be. As a thief in the night, our true being has been taken from us. Until we become self-actualized, we will feel discord in our lives. We will become congruent when we become the person we were meant to be. We become someone else and our dreams and intentions of our younger years disappear, many times forgotten, never to resurface again. Working together we can find the missing pieces, put them together, and make wholeness from fragmentation. Together, we will find the pathways to goals, to inner peace, to authenticity…to who you are meant to be!

“The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.” – Sven Goran Eriksson

“Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.” – Raymond Lindquist


Find You.

Your dreams will

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” – Wayne Dyer

“Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was.” – Robert Louis Stevenson


Where do you begin? Begin where ever you are at this very moment. There is no other choice. Unfortunately we are unable to retrieve the time that has already passed us but we can begin on a new pathway to our success. Clear the useless debris from your life and design your new avenue to your ultimate dreams. You are the vehicle and your life is road you travel upon. By using a dependable map you are able to plan this amazing trip that will take you beyond your wildest dreams. Together we will find the location that will bring you the most joy and blissfulness. Where are you right now and where would you like to be? Think about tomorrow, next month, next year, five… ten years and so on. All is possible if you believe it is. Where you physically exist now is not important, where you intend on really living is. Begin the adventure of life now, where ever you are and I promise… your dreams will find you!


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Barbara Hampton

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Barbara Hampton


Are you ready to Embrace your Life Now? 



Your Greatest Self.

What are you capable of? What can we accomplish together? The answer to these questions is clear; you are capable of anything that you commit yourself to do.

Some goals are more difficult than others. Some goals require the help of others. Collaboration often times is key to achieving goals and overcoming obstacles. Removing barriers is often the first step in the journey to achieving goals, accomplishing tasks, and building relationships. Many people underestimate themselves in determining what they are capable of. An individual who is committed to a goal is likely to achieve that goal regardless of the goal’s enormity. A desired achievement is possible and its likelihood of achieving it is in correspondence with a person’s imagination. Dream tremendous dreams with purposeful intention and one can acquire their dream. People tend to hold back visions of acquiring the riches synonymous to their dreams. Believe that you can do it, believe in yourself. You are the only one stopping yourself. Distorted cognitions and faulty thinking often are the roadblocks to success. Remember, thoughts become things.



“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” – Unknown


“Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.” – Napoleon Hill

When?  You know the answer, Now! Embrace Life Now! We, as human beings do not know what tomorrow will bring, but we have today. Do not put off for tomorrow what you can begin today. Looking back upon your life now, I would imagine that there are many things you wish that you had started. Maybe you wish you took piano lessons, spending quality time with people, traveling, education, working on relationships, writing a book, etc. I know that there are many things that I wish that I focused on years ago. My choice now is to embrace life now. There are two choices, to live wishing you have and to live being grateful that you did. The average person will have about 25,000 days to walk this planet. When you think about it that is not many opportunities to wake up and say, today is the day I will become who I am intended to be. For this reason it is of utter importance to embrace every single day. Also look beyond today and dream of your tomorrows. It matters not how old you are today, however it does matter that you embrace your life now!



During the Covid pandemic I was grateful to be able to find a safe haven with Barbara. She has helped me through this scary time." - Janis P.  


"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth

watching.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the past steal your present” – Cherralea Morgen


“Why” should not even be a contemplation. There are too many reasons to examine life and pursue dreams and goals. To live an unexamined and unhappy life is tragic. With only 25,000 days to live, life should be fantastic. At the very least being able to die knowing that you really lived will bring peace and serenity. Given a choice to live a mundane existence or a fabulous life is not a hard decision. Making the choice to one or the other seems like a “no brainer.” But many people still find it difficult to follow through. It is not that hard, honestly it is not. Decide today that you want to live the life of your dreams and commit to it. Every day following that will be different. The important people in your life will immediately see a change within you. Change can be difficult. Many people live in their unfulfilling comfort zone. Breaking free of the chains that bind you is the first step. Just because you have not ventured outside your comfort zone doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Once you are released from your self-imposed bondage, you will finally understand how it feels to experience true freedom.



When  it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” – Confucius

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” – Lao Tzu

How  can one accomplish their goals and fulfill their dreams? By moving into action mode immediately after designing a life plan. Contemplation precedes life design however most people have been contemplating their options for quite some time. Opportunity will present its self when designing, focusing, and taking action has taken place. Believing is the key to seeing your dreams come true. Often times it is easier to think about what you would like to become rather than working towards what you know you could be. It can be easier to do nothing, but is nothing satisfying? My answer is no. Doing nothing becomes a nothing existence. Failure should not be feared but embraced, for failure gives us wisdom. Working collaboratively with someone who has total belief in you and your true calling is imperative to achieving goals. I will be that person for you. I have witnessed the manifestation of many dreams, the bursting of many cocoons with the vibrancy of a new existence. Life was never meant to be ordinary. Life was meant to be extraordinary!


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